Maidstone Invicta's Veterans continued their impressive start to the season with a 20.18 min 45th place at this year's Vesta Veterans' Head of the River.
We came to the event pretty confident in our abilities, and buoyed up in the knowledge that we would be using the "Ray Long".
Liz Ridgway accepted our offer as cox and we were buoyed further that her timely bout of "food poisoning" last week made her 1 stone lighter on the day. Not sure if anyone actually asked how she was ;).
I advised Liz to keep the number of pushes to one or two maximum, given we are old men; so she dutifully packed about 20 in. The first 3 coming immediately after the start in order to overtake Bewl's Sunday crew.
The Bewl looking better than they rowed - 2 min 20 behind us. Notice their equipment!
I advised our stroke, Geraint, to rate about 30, given that we are old men; so he dutifully maintained a rock solid 32 all the way.
I advised the crew to beware of the nasty chop and
wind that always hits you after Hammersmith, and of course, the chop
happened at Barnes. It was much calmer after Hammersmith.
The relative calm after Hammersmith Bridge. 3 miles in and some of us are panting hard.
I gave up offering advice and sank back into my own annual private hell, which is rowing the Championship Course, and vowing never to do it again.
The crew behind us were noisy mustachioed Frenchmen from Boulogne, festooned in all sorts of strange clothing and looking like extras from "'Allo, 'allo". They looked like they were only here for 'le Rost Bif', but they really pushed us all the way, only fading at the end and losing to us by just 7 seconds.
Johnny Frenchman from Boulogne in the chop at Barnes. They rowed much better than they looked!
We didn't see anybody else in the race, though we caught up on the 3 crews ahead of Bewl, so we knew we had done well.
We came 8th out of 40 in the Vet D category, and 5th of the UK crews. Still lots to work on, but a good place to be.
Thanks to Kate Povall and Archie Hodgkinson for support and welly monitoring.
Women's Head of the River - 2012
After months of training the day finally arrived for the WEHORR. Unfortunately we
had been denied any race practice by the cancellation of Henley Head and illness had dogged the crew in the weeks running up to the race.
However we all gathered early on the Saturday morning at Cygnet, keeping a close eye on the sky for rain. It was forecast for midday and the race was due to start at 11am. However in true British style the unpredictable weather dumped some rain on us just as we lined up to boat.
After the usual scrum to boat we were afloat and off, heading upstream towards our marshalling position between Barnes Bridge and Tideway Scullers. After some ‘polite’ requests to crews failing to marshal properly from our cox Tom we found our slot, although the crew in front seemed to be number dyslexic!
We watched the first few crews race pass, being armchair critics looking at style, kit, and admiring their boats and were off again to our final marshalling position above Chiswick Bridge.
The sun then came out and a discussion ensued as to whether we were going to race in skins or with tops under the all in ones! The final outcome was a mixture. Having stripped down to racing layers the sun went in and a chilly wind blew up. Those of us who had kept our tech tops on were laughing!
Then we were off. A steady paddle down towards Chiswick Bridge and then a build to race pace. We went through the start at 30/32 and Tom called for a build on the rate. We pushed a couple of pips higher and quickly began to reel in the crew in front. Passing them before Barnes Bridge we then set about reeling in the next crew. Their cox was determined to make our passage more difficult and a discussion ensued between Tom our cox and Laura our stroke about which side we could overtake on. They were eventually warned by the umpire and we went through. That was 2 crews down.
We then settled through the next sector, boosted by the cheer from Kate and Robin at The Bandstand, aiming for Hammersmith Bridge.
Although we had pulled away from the crew immediately behind us, they began to reel us in again and we went under Hammersmith Bridge just ahead of them. They then took the inside of the bend and as we hit the infamous rougher water, pushed past us.
However we held things together and drove on to the finish, catching up some of the crews further ahead. We finished 171st out of 287 but were lying 130th at Barnes Bridge and 129th at Hammersmith, so again it was the last part of the race that did us in.
Well done to everyone who raced, some for the first time, others who were more experienced and knew what to expect and those who had struggled through illness and survived (just). An umpires launch was heard to call to us ‘Maidstone if you need some help raise your hand’ as we rowed back up after the race. Some of the crew were looking quite rough!!!

Anne Salmon
Pictures courtesy Hugh Gabriel.
had been denied any race practice by the cancellation of Henley Head and illness had dogged the crew in the weeks running up to the race.
After the usual scrum to boat we were afloat and off, heading upstream towards our marshalling position between Barnes Bridge and Tideway Scullers. After some ‘polite’ requests to crews failing to marshal properly from our cox Tom we found our slot, although the crew in front seemed to be number dyslexic!
We watched the first few crews race pass, being armchair critics looking at style, kit, and admiring their boats and were off again to our final marshalling position above Chiswick Bridge.
The sun then came out and a discussion ensued as to whether we were going to race in skins or with tops under the all in ones! The final outcome was a mixture. Having stripped down to racing layers the sun went in and a chilly wind blew up. Those of us who had kept our tech tops on were laughing!
Then we were off. A steady paddle down towards Chiswick Bridge and then a build to race pace. We went through the start at 30/32 and Tom called for a build on the rate. We pushed a couple of pips higher and quickly began to reel in the crew in front. Passing them before Barnes Bridge we then set about reeling in the next crew. Their cox was determined to make our passage more difficult and a discussion ensued between Tom our cox and Laura our stroke about which side we could overtake on. They were eventually warned by the umpire and we went through. That was 2 crews down.
We then settled through the next sector, boosted by the cheer from Kate and Robin at The Bandstand, aiming for Hammersmith Bridge.
Although we had pulled away from the crew immediately behind us, they began to reel us in again and we went under Hammersmith Bridge just ahead of them. They then took the inside of the bend and as we hit the infamous rougher water, pushed past us.
However we held things together and drove on to the finish, catching up some of the crews further ahead. We finished 171st out of 287 but were lying 130th at Barnes Bridge and 129th at Hammersmith, so again it was the last part of the race that did us in.
Well done to everyone who raced, some for the first time, others who were more experienced and knew what to expect and those who had struggled through illness and survived (just). An umpires launch was heard to call to us ‘Maidstone if you need some help raise your hand’ as we rowed back up after the race. Some of the crew were looking quite rough!!!

Anne Salmon
Pictures courtesy Hugh Gabriel.
Maidstone Spring Small Boats Head - 2012
MIRC put out no less than 30 crews at our local Spring Head on March 11. We were gifted with some benign Spring-like weather, and opponents from all over the South-East joined us in some stiff and enjoyable competition.
In total, we won 9 events: 4 for the Juniors, 3 for the Masters and 2 for the Seniors.
Our Masters B4x+ of James Knight, Richard Ridgway, Lewin Hynes and Mark Tompkins, coxed by Lois Birrell, blasted their way down the course to win the Masters B/C/D event and Penant for the fastest boat in a very fast time of 8.27.
Masters B 4x+... timing!!
The juniors also put up an extraordinarily strong performance with the J164+ of R Porter, J Grace, A Collins and J Harris, coxed by I Terry in an impressive 9.11.
Also, A Collins won the J17 1x in a fast time of 9.57.
A popular Masters win came in the form of the BBQ crew, who taking time out from their duties with the burgers, won the ME/F4+ event in 10.02. They were Alan Leeson, Bert Deters, Tom Fuller and Alan Rickwood, coxed by the irrepressable Tui Thain.
The BBQs mid race! Note the special resting technique employed.
Tom Fuller and Rachel Rickwood on duty at the food stall.
S Marlow from the seniors won the Novice 1x just two seconds behind the Masters 4+ in 10.03.
There was another terrific result for the Juniors - this time the girls when the J164x+ of B. Arscott, A Gordon-Reid, L Maunsell and L Gilchrist, coxed by C Gilchrist, and rowing in the J18 event won with the fast time of 10.17.
L Gilchrist and L Maunsell went on to win the WJ16 2x in 10.44
Maunsell and Gilchrist on the way to their win.
Ray Phillips in his MIRC debut won the Masters D/E/F 1x in 10.48.
Finally, another popular victory was that of C Devereaux and J Whyman in the ladies N2x. This was their first ever win, and J Whyman's first race! Their time was 11.08.
There was some excellent organisation on the day: a big thank-you goes to all who helped make it a success.

Sue Marden keeping the landing stage ship-shape!
Finally, a special mention for the Demon Double in Green, who managed to take out no less than 4 other crews in their race. Here we see them just after driving the Kings School Canterbury girls into the bank, and eyeing up Sara and Teri as their next target.
Phew - survived. Is that standard MIRC racing kit Sarah?
Thanks to Alan Leeson for the pics. Also see here for some video footage of our Juniors
In total, we won 9 events: 4 for the Juniors, 3 for the Masters and 2 for the Seniors.
Our Masters B4x+ of James Knight, Richard Ridgway, Lewin Hynes and Mark Tompkins, coxed by Lois Birrell, blasted their way down the course to win the Masters B/C/D event and Penant for the fastest boat in a very fast time of 8.27.
Masters B 4x+... timing!!
The juniors also put up an extraordinarily strong performance with the J164+ of R Porter, J Grace, A Collins and J Harris, coxed by I Terry in an impressive 9.11.
Also, A Collins won the J17 1x in a fast time of 9.57.
A popular Masters win came in the form of the BBQ crew, who taking time out from their duties with the burgers, won the ME/F4+ event in 10.02. They were Alan Leeson, Bert Deters, Tom Fuller and Alan Rickwood, coxed by the irrepressable Tui Thain.

S Marlow from the seniors won the Novice 1x just two seconds behind the Masters 4+ in 10.03.
There was another terrific result for the Juniors - this time the girls when the J164x+ of B. Arscott, A Gordon-Reid, L Maunsell and L Gilchrist, coxed by C Gilchrist, and rowing in the J18 event won with the fast time of 10.17.
L Gilchrist and L Maunsell went on to win the WJ16 2x in 10.44

Ray Phillips in his MIRC debut won the Masters D/E/F 1x in 10.48.
Finally, another popular victory was that of C Devereaux and J Whyman in the ladies N2x. This was their first ever win, and J Whyman's first race! Their time was 11.08.
There was some excellent organisation on the day: a big thank-you goes to all who helped make it a success.

Sue Marden keeping the landing stage ship-shape!
Finally, a special mention for the Demon Double in Green, who managed to take out no less than 4 other crews in their race. Here we see them just after driving the Kings School Canterbury girls into the bank, and eyeing up Sara and Teri as their next target.
Phew - survived. Is that standard MIRC racing kit Sarah?
Thanks to Alan Leeson for the pics. Also see here for some video footage of our Juniors
Maidstone SBH
Maidstone Head - Sun 11 March 2012 - DRAW
Maidstone Invicta Small Boats Head Sunday 11th March 2012
DIVISION 1 09.30
No Name Club Status
1 C Mollison M Nicholls Maidstone Invicta RC S2-
2 S Marlow W Purnell T Saunders B Finch Cox J Jarrett Maidstone Invicta RC IM24+
3 J Knight R Ridgway L Hynes M Tomkins Cox L Birrell Maidstone Invicta RC MB4x+
4 J Player G Seamark R Philpot G Mitchell-Hill Cox Z Szotyon Medway Towns RC MD4+
5 T Mason G Hill D Purchase C Long Cox D James Maidstone Invicta RC MD4+
6 M Dean W Brown N Prescott J Wynn Cox R Kemlo Medway Towns RC J164x+
7 A Warner M Rutland F Bowen D Chadwick Cox Maidstone Invicta RC J164x+
8 W Game J Britton S Haider A De-Nieffe Cox H Higgins Bewl Bridge RC J164x+
9 H Best Shaw E Bryant G Edwards E Thomas Cox T Fairbairn Kings School Canterbury BC J164+
10 R Grice H Jones T Thackeray R Williams Cox A Cole Medway Towns RC N4+
11 J Wareham J Dawkins G Holness A Taylor Cox D Wareham Herne Bay RC CoastalN4+
12 L Potterton R Blake R Byrne-Smith J Ross-Cumming Cox L Potterton Herne Bay RC CoastalJ4+
13 V Warszewski J Ellard H Presdee A Thomas Cox S Wallis Kings School Canterbury BC WJ184+
14 A Mason J Hampshire A Salmon L McGrillen Cox K Povall Maidstone Invicta RC WIM34+
15 A Willson D Johnson E Lintern S Johnson Cox B Webster Gravesend RC WIM34+
16 S Moseley E Cross L Brunton S Corbett Cox K Tatchell University of Kent RC A WIM34+
17 S Martin M Russell Medway Towns RC MB2x
18 S Tupper R Semple Spitfire BC MC2x
19 M Coughlan P Prentice Poplar Blackwell & District RC ME2x
20 K Jones V Clarke Bewl Bridge RC MG2x
21 T Powell D Kergal Medway Towns RC N2x
22 M Reddaway A Farrow Kings School Canterbury BC N2x
23 M Lane D Westwood University of Kent RC N2x
24 P Flasse J Keech MIRC/PB&DRC J172x
25 M Lucas J Rapier Erith RC J172x
26 N Hastings S Roud Kings School Canterbury BC J162x
27 E Stinton T Walden-Smith Bewl Bridge RC J162x
28 K Oungpasuk V Leigh Kings School Canterbury BC J152x
29 T McConchie S Judd Maidstone Invicta RC WJ182x
30 L Richards R Seakins Bewl Bridge RC WJ172x
31 B Arscott A Gordon-Reid Maidstone Invicta RC WJ162x
32 L Gilchrist L.Maunsell Maidstone Invicta RC WJ162x
33 M Tucker A Purvis Ardingly RC WJ152x
34 F Holgate H Dowman Medway Towns RC WMC2x
35 J Williamson Kings School Canterbury BC MC1x
36 S Hart Erith RC MC1x
37 G French Erith RC MC1x
38 L Towner Herne Bay RC CoastalJ1x
39 A Plunkett Kings School Canterbury BC J181x
40 A Tonsbeek Spitfire BC J181x
41 R Phillips Maidstone Invicta RC ME1x
42 F Smith Erith RC MH1x
43 French Globe RC J171x
44 N Thomas Spitfire BC J161x
45 J Grace Maidstone Invicta RC J161x
46 E Cox Spitfire BC J161x
47 R Porter Maidstone Invicta RC J161x
48 Cook Globe RC J161x
49 Blanchard Globe RC J151x
50 Smyth Globe RC J151x
51 G Brady Kings School Canterbury BC J151x
52 Martinez Globe RC J141x
53 Carballo Globe RC J141x
54 S Perkins Kings School Canterbury BC WJ181x
55 French Globe RC WJ181x
56 Curthoys Globe RC WJ181x
57 Turner Globe RC WJ181x
58 V Mansfield Kings School Canterbury BC WJ161x
59 A de Ryke Bewl Bridge RC WJ151x
60 Hayward Globe RC WJ151x
61 Bradbury Globe RC WJ151x
62 Hopkins Globe RC WJ141x
63 Bernstein Globe RC WJ131x
No Name Club Status
1 C Mollison M Nicholls Maidstone Invicta RC S2-
2 S Marlow W Purnell T Saunders B Finch Cox J Jarrett Maidstone Invicta RC IM24+
3 J Knight R Ridgway L Hynes M Tomkins Cox L Birrell Maidstone Invicta RC MB4x+
4 J Player G Seamark R Philpot G Mitchell-Hill Cox Z Szotyon Medway Towns RC MD4+
5 T Mason G Hill D Purchase C Long Cox D James Maidstone Invicta RC MD4+
6 M Dean W Brown N Prescott J Wynn Cox R Kemlo Medway Towns RC J164x+
7 A Warner M Rutland F Bowen D Chadwick Cox Maidstone Invicta RC J164x+
8 W Game J Britton S Haider A De-Nieffe Cox H Higgins Bewl Bridge RC J164x+
9 H Best Shaw E Bryant G Edwards E Thomas Cox T Fairbairn Kings School Canterbury BC J164+
10 R Grice H Jones T Thackeray R Williams Cox A Cole Medway Towns RC N4+
11 J Wareham J Dawkins G Holness A Taylor Cox D Wareham Herne Bay RC CoastalN4+
12 L Potterton R Blake R Byrne-Smith J Ross-Cumming Cox L Potterton Herne Bay RC CoastalJ4+
13 V Warszewski J Ellard H Presdee A Thomas Cox S Wallis Kings School Canterbury BC WJ184+
14 A Mason J Hampshire A Salmon L McGrillen Cox K Povall Maidstone Invicta RC WIM34+
15 A Willson D Johnson E Lintern S Johnson Cox B Webster Gravesend RC WIM34+
16 S Moseley E Cross L Brunton S Corbett Cox K Tatchell University of Kent RC A WIM34+
17 S Martin M Russell Medway Towns RC MB2x
18 S Tupper R Semple Spitfire BC MC2x
19 M Coughlan P Prentice Poplar Blackwell & District RC ME2x
20 K Jones V Clarke Bewl Bridge RC MG2x
21 T Powell D Kergal Medway Towns RC N2x
22 M Reddaway A Farrow Kings School Canterbury BC N2x
23 M Lane D Westwood University of Kent RC N2x
24 P Flasse J Keech MIRC/PB&DRC J172x
25 M Lucas J Rapier Erith RC J172x
26 N Hastings S Roud Kings School Canterbury BC J162x
27 E Stinton T Walden-Smith Bewl Bridge RC J162x
28 K Oungpasuk V Leigh Kings School Canterbury BC J152x
29 T McConchie S Judd Maidstone Invicta RC WJ182x
30 L Richards R Seakins Bewl Bridge RC WJ172x
31 B Arscott A Gordon-Reid Maidstone Invicta RC WJ162x
32 L Gilchrist L.Maunsell Maidstone Invicta RC WJ162x
33 M Tucker A Purvis Ardingly RC WJ152x
34 F Holgate H Dowman Medway Towns RC WMC2x
35 J Williamson Kings School Canterbury BC MC1x
36 S Hart Erith RC MC1x
37 G French Erith RC MC1x
38 L Towner Herne Bay RC CoastalJ1x
39 A Plunkett Kings School Canterbury BC J181x
40 A Tonsbeek Spitfire BC J181x
41 R Phillips Maidstone Invicta RC ME1x
42 F Smith Erith RC MH1x
43 French Globe RC J171x
44 N Thomas Spitfire BC J161x
45 J Grace Maidstone Invicta RC J161x
46 E Cox Spitfire BC J161x
47 R Porter Maidstone Invicta RC J161x
48 Cook Globe RC J161x
49 Blanchard Globe RC J151x
50 Smyth Globe RC J151x
51 G Brady Kings School Canterbury BC J151x
52 Martinez Globe RC J141x
53 Carballo Globe RC J141x
54 S Perkins Kings School Canterbury BC WJ181x
55 French Globe RC WJ181x
56 Curthoys Globe RC WJ181x
57 Turner Globe RC WJ181x
58 V Mansfield Kings School Canterbury BC WJ161x
59 A de Ryke Bewl Bridge RC WJ151x
60 Hayward Globe RC WJ151x
61 Bradbury Globe RC WJ151x
62 Hopkins Globe RC WJ141x
63 Bernstein Globe RC WJ131x
DIVISION 2 11.30
No Name Club Status
65 F Maunsell A Roberts C Ilett R Lednicsky Cox J Jarrett Maidstone Invicta RC IM34x+
66 T Powell M Smith R Philpot D Kirgal Cox Z Szotyon Medway Towns RC IM34+
67 C King A Kendall-White R Redding A Dent Cox C Page University of Kent RC IM34+
68 O Barton G Evans S Bickers G Hodgkinson Cox D James Maidstone Invicta RC MC4+
69 G Roberts A Mills P Monroe T Brown Cox L Potterton Herne Bay RC CoastalM4+
70 J Plimmer C Mattocks W Everett J Osborne Cox R Tanna Judd School J184+
71 C Humphreys J Pluckrose O Heller C Oliver C Page cox Kent College Canterbury N4x+
72 M Beeson J McKibben N Shields J Williams Cox C Page University of Kent RC A N4+
73 A Farrow G Edwards M Reddaway A Plunkett Cox O Cooper Kings School Canterbury BC N4+
74 Alan Leeson Bert Klien Deters Tom Fuller Alan Rickwood Cox Tui Thain Maidstone Invicta RC ME4+
75 N Spear D Simmonds L Storer M Simmonds Cox F Holgate Medway Towns RC MixedMC4+
76 J Powell M Penney B Pearson M Frith Cox J Player Medway Towns RC MF4+
77 J Kingsley-Smith R Evans G Bentley R Galliers Cox H Mitchell Kings School Rochester BC J174x+
78 N Hastings E Bryant S Roud E Thomas Cox S Wallis Kings School Canterbury BC J164+
79 T Trelawny-Vernon T Woods L Eberenz T Cowderoy Cox T Fairbairn Kings School Canterbury BC J144x+
80 P Rose J Gray T Moverley Smith R Britton Cox H Higgins Bewl Bridge RC J144x+
81 S Hughes F Stangel L Gourbin E Myles-Hook Cox K Tatchell University of Kent RC B WIM34+
82 L Gibbins L Gieves S Theyre A Turner Cox J Dawkins Herne Bay RC CoastalWJ4
83 A Buck A Ridler I Fish S McConchie Cox I Terry Ardingly/MIRC WJ174x+
84 A Mexted H Brown BBRC/MTRC IM32x
85 T Marshall R Chapman Maidstone Invicta RC MF2x
86 G Mitchell-Hill H Dowman Medway Towns RC MixedMC2x
87 M Smith W French Erith RC J162x
88 H Best Shaw G Brady Kings School Canterbury BC J152x
89 S Grimsey K Birkenshaw Bewl Bridge RC WMB2x
90 A Cole C Farbrace Medway Towns RC WN2x
91 C Devereaux J Whyman Maidstone Invicta RC WN2x
92 V Warszewski A Thomas Kings School Canterbury BC WN2-
93 H Presdee J Ellard Kings School Canterbury BC WN2-
94 S Perkins V Mansfield Kings School Canterbury BC WJ182-
95 K Nicholls C Titmuss Kings School Rochester BC WJ172x
96 G Nightingale H Gilliland Bewl Bridge RC WJ162x
97 Bradbury Hayward Globe RC WJ152x
98 A Bestel J Faulkner Kings School Rochester BC WJ152x
99 Hopkins Bernstein Globe RC WJ142x
100 N Bardon Bewl Bridge RC MB1x
101 D Cowderoy Ardingly RC MD1x
102 S Marlow Maidstone Invicta RC N1x
103 J Voss Bewl Bridge RC J181x
104 J Harris Maidstone Invicta RC J171x
105 M Lucas Erith RC J171x
106 A Collins Maidstone Invicta RC J171x
107 J Rapier Erith RC J171x
108 Hooper Globe RC J141x
109 O' Donnell Globe RC J141x
110 H Sweetman Kings School Canterbury BC WIM31x
111 Dwyer Globe RC WJ161x
112 Histon-Smith Globe RC WJ161x
113 Buckley Globe RC WJ161x
114 McGill Globe RC WJ151x
115 L Gilliland Bewl Bridge RC WJ141x
116 Bradbury Globe RC WJ131x
DIVISION 3 13.30
No Name Club Status
120 J Lawrence G French D Redgrave S Hart Cox M Smith Erith RC MC4x+
121 M Wilson M Nightingale D Simmonds N Spear Cox Z Szotyon Medway Towns RC MC4+
122 R Kenway R Huggins O Barton G Evans Cox E Ridgway Maidstone Invicta RC MD4x+
123 L Potterton R Blake L Towner J Ross-Cumming Cox J Dawkins Herne Bay RC CoastalJ4+
124 J Wareham R Byrne-Smith G Holness A Taylor Cox D Wareham Herne Bay RC CoastalN4+
125 A Machin J Massey D Prentice B Barwick Cox D James Maidstone Invicta RC 3 MN4+
126 G Edwards H Best Shaw E Bryant G Brady Cox S Wallis Kings School Canterbury BC N4+
127 S Valentine T Shepherd T Protheroe N Todd Cox L Brockwell University of Kent RC B N4+
128 R Porter J Grace A Collins J Harris Cox I Terry Maidstone Invicta RC J164+
129 O Garcia B Garcia G Payne W Carter Cox K Nicholls Kings School Rochester BC J154x+
130 O Potter D Windsor G Jones C McAuley Cox A. Bastel Kings School Rochester BC J144x+
131 Smyth Hooper Ward O' Donnell Globe RC J144x+
132 S Garside C Stokes S Wheeler G Turner Cox A Cole Medway Towns RC WN4+
133 B Makulski E Thornton S Byles-Watlers T Pilgrim Cox L Brockwell University of Kent RC WN4+
134 R Barry S Rondell E Butler T Green Cox C Farbrace Medway Towns RC WN4+
135 Y Culloty D Johnson A Willson E Lintern Cox B Webster Gravesend RC WN4+
136 R Seakins I Terry N Whitbourn N Gill Cox R Tanna Judd School WJ184x+
137 V Warszewski A Thomas S Perkins V Mansfield Cox T Fairbairn Kings School Canterbury BC WJ184+
138 B Arscott A Gordon-Reid L Maunsell L Gilchrist Cox Maidstone Invicta RC WJ164x+
139 B Prentice E Bishop C Doran E Macpherson-Smith Cox H Higgins Bewl Bridge RC WJ154x+
140 S Martin S Russell Medway Towns RC IM22x
141 D Chadwick F Bowen Maidstone Invicta RC N2x
142 M Frayling-Cork N Paterson Uiversity of Kent RC N2x
143 N Hastings M Reddaway Kings School Canterbury BC N2-
144 L Emanuel C Soan University of Kent RC N2-
145 G Seamark J Player Medway Towns RC MD2x
146 M Coughlan P Prentice Poplar Blackwell & District RC MD2x
147 R Phillips K Jones MIRC/BBRC MF2x
148 F Smith J Eggleton Erith RC MixedMD2x
149 F Holgate J Powell Medway Towns RC MixedME2x
150 J Plimmer W Everett Judd School J182x
151 Davidson French Globe RC J172x
152 J Osborne C Mattocks Judd School 3 J182x
153 E Cox N Thomas Spitfire BC J162x
154 E Thomas S Roud Kings School Canterbury BC J162-
155 P Rose J Gray Bewl Bridge RC J142x
156 Martinez Carballo Globe RC J142x
157 K Oungpasuk V Fryeks Kings School Canterbury BC WN2x
158 French Curthoys Globe RC WJ182x
159 H Presdee J Ellard Kings School Canterbury BC WJ182-
160 A Buck A Ridler Ardingly RC WJ172x
161 S McConchie I Fish Maidstone Invicta RC WJ172-
162 A de Ryke E Matthews Bewl Bridge RC WJ152x
163 H Mitchell J Faulkner Kings School Rochester BC WJ142x
164 L Hynes Maidstone Invicta RC S1x
165 J Williamson Kings School Canterbury BC MB1x
166 J Knight Old Monmothians BC MB1x
167 A Plunkett Kings School Canterbury BC N1x
168 A Tonsbeek Spitfire BC N1x
169 D Cowderoy Ardingly RC MC1x
170 A Marshall Maidstone Invicta RC MF1x
171 M Smith Medway Towns RC MN1x
172 R Ridgway Maidstone Invicta RC MN1x
173 J Keech Poplar Blackwell & District RC J171x
174 P Flasse Maidstone Invicta RC J171x
175 Cook Globe RC J171x
176 J Britton Bewl Bridge RC J161x
177 Blanchard Globe RC J161x
178 T Walden-Smith Bewl Bridge RC J151x
179 H Sweetman Kings School Canterbury BC WN1x
180 T McConchie Maidstone Invicta RC WJ151x
No Name Club Status
120 J Lawrence G French D Redgrave S Hart Cox M Smith Erith RC MC4x+
121 M Wilson M Nightingale D Simmonds N Spear Cox Z Szotyon Medway Towns RC MC4+
122 R Kenway R Huggins O Barton G Evans Cox E Ridgway Maidstone Invicta RC MD4x+
123 L Potterton R Blake L Towner J Ross-Cumming Cox J Dawkins Herne Bay RC CoastalJ4+
124 J Wareham R Byrne-Smith G Holness A Taylor Cox D Wareham Herne Bay RC CoastalN4+
125 A Machin J Massey D Prentice B Barwick Cox D James Maidstone Invicta RC 3 MN4+
126 G Edwards H Best Shaw E Bryant G Brady Cox S Wallis Kings School Canterbury BC N4+
127 S Valentine T Shepherd T Protheroe N Todd Cox L Brockwell University of Kent RC B N4+
128 R Porter J Grace A Collins J Harris Cox I Terry Maidstone Invicta RC J164+
129 O Garcia B Garcia G Payne W Carter Cox K Nicholls Kings School Rochester BC J154x+
130 O Potter D Windsor G Jones C McAuley Cox A. Bastel Kings School Rochester BC J144x+
131 Smyth Hooper Ward O' Donnell Globe RC J144x+
132 S Garside C Stokes S Wheeler G Turner Cox A Cole Medway Towns RC WN4+
133 B Makulski E Thornton S Byles-Watlers T Pilgrim Cox L Brockwell University of Kent RC WN4+
134 R Barry S Rondell E Butler T Green Cox C Farbrace Medway Towns RC WN4+
135 Y Culloty D Johnson A Willson E Lintern Cox B Webster Gravesend RC WN4+
136 R Seakins I Terry N Whitbourn N Gill Cox R Tanna Judd School WJ184x+
137 V Warszewski A Thomas S Perkins V Mansfield Cox T Fairbairn Kings School Canterbury BC WJ184+
138 B Arscott A Gordon-Reid L Maunsell L Gilchrist Cox Maidstone Invicta RC WJ164x+
139 B Prentice E Bishop C Doran E Macpherson-Smith Cox H Higgins Bewl Bridge RC WJ154x+
140 S Martin S Russell Medway Towns RC IM22x
141 D Chadwick F Bowen Maidstone Invicta RC N2x
142 M Frayling-Cork N Paterson Uiversity of Kent RC N2x
143 N Hastings M Reddaway Kings School Canterbury BC N2-
144 L Emanuel C Soan University of Kent RC N2-
145 G Seamark J Player Medway Towns RC MD2x
146 M Coughlan P Prentice Poplar Blackwell & District RC MD2x
147 R Phillips K Jones MIRC/BBRC MF2x
148 F Smith J Eggleton Erith RC MixedMD2x
149 F Holgate J Powell Medway Towns RC MixedME2x
150 J Plimmer W Everett Judd School J182x
151 Davidson French Globe RC J172x
152 J Osborne C Mattocks Judd School 3 J182x
153 E Cox N Thomas Spitfire BC J162x
154 E Thomas S Roud Kings School Canterbury BC J162-
155 P Rose J Gray Bewl Bridge RC J142x
156 Martinez Carballo Globe RC J142x
157 K Oungpasuk V Fryeks Kings School Canterbury BC WN2x
158 French Curthoys Globe RC WJ182x
159 H Presdee J Ellard Kings School Canterbury BC WJ182-
160 A Buck A Ridler Ardingly RC WJ172x
161 S McConchie I Fish Maidstone Invicta RC WJ172-
162 A de Ryke E Matthews Bewl Bridge RC WJ152x
163 H Mitchell J Faulkner Kings School Rochester BC WJ142x
164 L Hynes Maidstone Invicta RC S1x
165 J Williamson Kings School Canterbury BC MB1x
166 J Knight Old Monmothians BC MB1x
167 A Plunkett Kings School Canterbury BC N1x
168 A Tonsbeek Spitfire BC N1x
169 D Cowderoy Ardingly RC MC1x
170 A Marshall Maidstone Invicta RC MF1x
171 M Smith Medway Towns RC MN1x
172 R Ridgway Maidstone Invicta RC MN1x
173 J Keech Poplar Blackwell & District RC J171x
174 P Flasse Maidstone Invicta RC J171x
175 Cook Globe RC J171x
176 J Britton Bewl Bridge RC J161x
177 Blanchard Globe RC J161x
178 T Walden-Smith Bewl Bridge RC J151x
179 H Sweetman Kings School Canterbury BC WN1x
180 T McConchie Maidstone Invicta RC WJ151x
Maidstone SBH