Chaos prevailed in the run up to Sudbury. Key crew members were on holiday, crews were entered way past our official deadlines. Our administrators were entering crews while they were on holiday (thank you Charlotte and Anne); trailer towers were not identified until very late in the day, and there was no boat/loading plan. Toys were thrown out of prams... and then thrown back in again.
Only through dint of persistence on behalf of the few, did the many manage to get to the regatta; race and win...
10 times!!!!
Sudbury, as usual, delivered fair skies, a relaxed ambience, entertaining visits to the notorious banks by novice and experienced alike; and frankly admirable handling of the divisions by the organisers, with enormous levels of flexibility and humour.
There were far too many crews and far too many races to catalogue them all. So here are the winners.
Peter McLarney and Alex Marlow won the IM3 2- beating St Neots, Broadland and the Lea.
Ben Finch beat Oundle Town and St. Neots in the IM3 1x
Jake Harris beat Kann Belton in an all MIRC straight final in the J18 1x.
Keith Jones beat St Neots in the Masters G/H 1x
Huggy won the Masters D 1x beating Isle of Ely, Peterborough and his doubles partner, Geraint in the final.
Pluto and Dan Hawke won a straight final in the IM2 2x
Ross Porter and Jake Harris beat the Lea in a straight final of the J18 2x.
Mark Tompkins and Sean Bennett beat St Neots in the Masters A Novice 2x - thus losing their novice cherries!
Sue and Roger Mobbs beat Sudbury and Peterborough in the Masters D/G Mixed 2x
Sue having a bad hair day!
Susannah and Kate Povall thrashed Erith in the Womens Masters A/B 2x in a MIRC/ Csepel Evezos Klub composite, thus firmly staking Sudbury regatta as a truly international venue ;)
Finally, Maidstone Grammar School for Boys came for their first serious regatta under the stewardship of headmaster and MIRC rower, Mark Tompkins, and coxed by Lois Birrell. They fielded 6 crews and won the Mixed IM3 2x and the Novice 2x. Well done.
A fantastic day's racing everyone. Well done.
Meanwhile the rowing committee have a few organisational things to sort out...
Other pics...
Alistair's harem chilling before their first ever race!
Valiant effort by the harem - lost by 2 lengths

Geraint giving the bank the "evils"