Crews from both the ladies and the men’s squad represented the club at Veterans Henley. The crews raced over 1000m of the Royal Henley course. The weather on Friday for the men’s double scull was terrible with rain, wind and a fast flowing stream. Robin Chapman and James Knight, a very experienced crew were prepared for the challenge that lied ahead. With a blinding start the crew settled down into their race pace, focused only on their race plan. Their opposition, a composite crew from Ardingly, started to edge forward at the half way mark putting them slightly in the lead. Chapman and Knight fought hard to stay with the Ardingly crew but were defeated by 2 lengths overall but thoroughly enjoyed the race and their 2008 Henley experience.
The ladies double scull, Kate Povall and Liz Macham had better luck with the weather on Saturday and made their way up to the start in plenty of time. As Stolen Dreams made its way up to the start, through the wake of cruisers and umpire launches, around Temple Island they met with their opposition, a County of Avon/Globe composite crew. After a bit of banter, both crews made their way to the stake boats, the umpire sent them off and the Maidstone lilac ladies had a blistering start, taking some water off the opposition early on. After the crews had settled into their stride the Avon/Globe crew started to pull away.
Fighting through the strong winds made the middle part of the race a strong challenge for the Maidstone crew, the conditions differed greatly to those experienced on the Medway. Povall and Macham soon picked up when they heard the cheer for Maidstone from the bank. Rating at 34 Strokes per Minute at the half way, the Coach (Robin ‘the rowing tart’ Chapman), started to run along with the crew, encouraging them to drive it home. Maidstone dug deep and kept it technical but could not pull back the two length lead that remained from here until the finish.
Both crews slummed over the finish and congratulated each other. The Maidstone ladies obviously enjoyed the experience as they had vowed to make a return visit to Veterans Henley before they had even reached the landing stage after the race.
Laura McGrillen