Before I get howls of protest, admittedly 3 of the crews were part of the senior squad rowing at Masters B category, so I won't steal the seniors' thunder. They are old, they just don't know it yet :). That said, much credit must go to the Masters B crew of James Knight, Mark Tompkins, Richard Ridgway and Steve Slade, who came 2nd overall and won the Masters B/C 4+ category with an impressive 9.50 mins in diificult conditions: a fierce headwind and plenty of current.
Liz Machem's fledgling top squad Masters C4+ crew of Olly Barton, Graeme Hodgkinson, Sean Bennett and Steve Bickers best time was 10.44 mins. Gerraint has put his back out, and once winter trainng settles in, there will be plenty more to come.
Top Squad
Hot on their heels were the BBQ Masters E4+ crew of Pete Kingsley, Chris Long (late replacement for Mark "loved-up" Dreissner), Alan Leeson and Tom Fuller with a highly impressive 10.47, which would have surely have won them a medal... but for the lack of opponents! I have lost count of the number of times they have since reminded me time and age differences with the top squad. Point is well made, gentlemen.
The 2 old duffers crews (Masters C 4+s) came in close with the crew of Rob Kenway, Ali Machin, Rob Macmanaway and Micky Griffith edging it over rivals, Bert Deters, Greg Snape, Bill Butler and Alan Rickwood 11.16 to 11.26.
The 2 Novice Masters crews had an equally close match, with the Heavies (Bob Barwick, Pat Tenters, Darren Prentice and Trevor Mason) beating the Lights (Dave Purchase, Marc Jarvis, Spencer Norman - all 69 years of him, and Jez Massey) 11.41 to 11.49. Very creditable for your first race, gents. Unfortunately, they were racing a very hot Medway boys Novice crew who blew them and most of the rest of the field away coming in 9th overall.
Light Vet Novices chasing the Heavies (they look like the real deal don't they!)
Vet Novice Heavies - not so heavy Darren, subbing in for not very well Thor
Vet Novice Lights
A big thanks go to Tim and Tui for shouldering the burden of coxing in all 3 divisions in horrid conditions.
The experienced Vets continued their successful season. Richard Huggins and Henry Abraham had a strong row, winning their event and coming in 14th overall with a time of 10.32 in the Masters D2x. Likewise, Robin Chapman and Tony Marshall won their Masters F2x event in a time of 11.15.

Simon DeMaria, in the Masters D1x with a very creditable 11.56 against a very strong sculler from Bewl and in conditions which were not single sculler friendly. I think they told him he had won, but looking at the results, he lost by 1 second.
Roger & Sue Mobbs racing Mixed Masters F2x did an equally impresive 11.49, but their opposition denied them a gong by crying off sick. Said opposition vehemently rejected the presumption that it would have been a Mobbs victory. Your reporter retreated from the bitter recriminations before handbags started to fly.
Sue and Roger Mobbs battling in the wind
Cate Devereaux and Dave Purchase completed their first Masters Novice Mixed 2x race in 12.46, thus just achieving my target of them coming within 1 minute of the Mobbs'. Well done you two.
A big well done to all the other winning Maidstone crews - 12 in all. Also to the organisers and supporters for another successful home event.
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